
I'm Back..

I had a very fun few days, biking, playing tennis, fly fishing and relaxing. It's like a vacation from my vacation, it was my families vacation for the summer, but it was like vacation on steroids for me. On our first fishing expedition, we trolled for a couple hours but all we got was a couple "chubs" -supposedly they're not good for eating- it's funny because in Gulf Arabic "chub" means shut-up. I did however manage to get my knees sunburned, because I didn't bother to put sunscreen on my knees but the other parts that I did remained un-burned.

Driving up to the vacation home was boring as usual.. Something cool that I've gotten to see over the past few years is the recovery the forests have undergone since a massive forest fire decimated huge amounts of the forests in the area.. that was 7 (i think) years ago. Now a lot of the area has been re-planted and stuff but there's hundreds of acres that are just burned trees..

Oh yeah.. something that made me feel stupid was that I forgot my battery charger and battery in Canada. So I couldn't take any pictures with my dSLR.. >_<

We went to Walmart the other day, I couldn't believe how cheap some of the stuff was.. like $0.15 or $0.25 for a notebook and like a dollar for 2 sharpies! The amount of stuff they have is amazing too., there's so much stuff in Walmart!!

On our second fishing expedition, which was river fishing, all I got was a small (6ish inch) trout. The atmosphere was beautiful though, the sound of the water and the trees all around, made me think of how different Al Ain is, its so cool how vastly different things can both be beautiful.

I saw Despicable Me! unfortunately it wasn't in 3D, but I still loved it. Steve Carell is exceptional. The obvious exaggeration of the characters also made it funnier.. Watching the previews before the movie bored me, it seemed that people are making movies with no meaning what-so-ever but doing it in a way that makes it look attractive -like in 3D, the sequel to Cats and Dogs for example. It's sad that all these movies are being remade/sequaled, I guess it's pretty hard to come up with something original, interesting and worthwhile to make these days.

I also saw Toy Story 3. I didn't enjoy the movie too much.. there were parts that were clever/funny but overall it was just okay. I think it did wrap the whole saga up nicely, but as a movie by itself I wasn't greatly impressed.


So, Blogger has a new feature where you guys can rate my posts.. you don't have to, but it would be nice if you left some sorta feedback. 

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